Monday, February 9, 2009

Move It!

As a fat person, movement is so important. Move it or lose it really applies; and even average size folks can find themselves virtually immobile due to an illness or injury that prevents them from using their muscles.

Seems I am always hearing from fat folk who are bemoaning their lack of agility and saying things like, "when I wasn't so heavy, I could move so much better". Well, you know what? I'll bet you were a lot younger then too! I always love that – losing weight will not make you younger! If you are creaking and cracking, it has a lot more to do with the number of years you've been on the planet than the number on your scale!

And no matter what your size, if your idea of movement is getting up from the couch to go to the bathroom; you're going to have some issues. And no matter what your size, your health can be greatly benefited by some movement. In fact, most of the benefits folks are constantly saying you'll derive from weight loss, can be achieved from some form of exercise – whether or not you lose weight! It's one of those things that is really a human body issue, not a fat issue.

I think we all have some form of movement that we enjoy – swimming (or just bouncing around in the water), walking (not one of my faves, but some peeps love it – and you can combine it with other stuff – like window shopping at the mall, or strolling through a park for the horticultural fans, or strolling through the zoo --- you get the idea), bicycling (and you don't have to be bike marathoner – just peddle your butt around the neighborhood), dancing (yeah! who doesn't like to get up and move to the music – with or without an audience?).

Pick one, and do it – at whatever level you are comfortable with. You don't have to go nuts and do a 4 hour at the gym kind of thing so that you're laid out for the next week unable to move for the pain. I firmly believe – no pain, means no pain. Okay?

And just so you don't think I'm being all self-righteous here, this is advice I'm giving to myself as well. Since I've been busy with school (instead of performing in shows) I have noticed that I am not as limber, agile and strong as I feel I should be. So this finger is also wagging at myself!


  1. I'm nodding in agreement! Welcome to the weight loss blogging world!

  2. I love my power chair. Walking sucks.
