Friday, January 30, 2009

Fat Travel

I haven't blogged in forever! Between work work, housework and homework, I seldom get the chance (or have the extra mental capacity).

But today, I left most of the school books at home (because I'm spending my lunch hour making a library run instead of doing homework); and my desk is in reasonably good shape (for a change).

So – I want to blog about travel – especially travel as a fat person.

I used to love to travel. Now – not so much. I don't know if that is because I'm older and just don't have the old wanderlust anymore, or if it's because it's more difficult because I'm fatter.

I am so fortunate to be in a financial position to buy 2 seats when I don't fly 1st class (which I only do when I get the mileage upgrade). I own my own seatbelt extender. I am physically capable of those treks through the airport. So why don't I love to fly?

I'll tell you why --- even though I buy that extra seat for my own comfort; I admit I also feel coerced into buying it. So that makes me resentful – I am one of those people who believe if you use 2 seats you should pay for 2 seats – but that means EVERYONE has to be subject to that rule – even disabled folks and their companions – sorry, but fair is fair. And that goes for little kids – they are not carry-on luggage – you aren't allowed to hold your purse in your lap when you take off, why is it okay to hold a living being? They should be in a seat – and if you have an infant, they should have car-seat like seats to put them in. It is safer for everyone – and that's what they keep telling us the 2-seats for fatty rules are all about.

Also, I am very careful not to intrude on the "space" of others. I'm hyper aware of it – but my fellow travelers are not so courteous. They put their seats back all the way – so their heads are practically under my chin and there is no chance of putting a tray table down. That frosts my ass. I think if you want to use the space behind you – you should purchase that seat – just as I purchase an extra seat to accommodate my commodious (and frosted) ass.

And while some people have average size butts – other parts of them are wide – like shoulders. If any part of you hangs over the seat next to you – you should purchase that seat. And if your body odor permeates the area around you – purchase enough seats around you to accommodate your smell (and that goes for smelly diapered kids too).

In other words, I believe that fair is fair. If you find the idea of snuggling up to my softnesses as horrific, why should I have to endure your invasion of my space? And that goes for all the extra carry on you try to schlep on (holding up the whole boarding process while you try to figure out how to cram a way-too-big carry-on into the overhead).

So I love road trips. I love taking the train (although I haven't tried taking the long distance kind where you are assigned a seat).

Having said all that, we're about to fly to Montreal; and we did not buy the extra seat this time (it gets crazy when 2 out of 4 segments don't have 3-in-a-row seating – yet another bitch about buying the extra seat – supposedly the airlines like you to do it, but then they make it so hard to accomplish). So we'll be extra cozy. It'll be interesting to see how it works out.